Mounting File Share from Terminal

After three days of hacking together mount commands finally my NAS is connected so that it can be accessed from terminal.

The script’s purpose is to mount a networked attached file store using terminal with the correct read and write attributes.

1:  ################################################################  
2:  #     Author       :   Robert Lutken                       
3:  #     E-mail  :      [email protected]                 
4:  #     Date   :      Sat, 15-02-2014                      
5:  #     File Name :                      
6:  #     Purpose  :      To connect to NAS                 
7:  #     Version      :      1.0                           
8:  #     Notes   :     Unsecure version should not be used in       
9:  #               volitile domains                 
10:  #                                          
11:  #################################################################  
13:  #!/bin/bash  
15:  ## The user name of the account on remote device i.e. admin   
16:  username=yourusername  
18:  ## The Password of the user's account on remote device  
19:  password=yourpasword  
22:  ## The source location of the server and the share directory.  
23:  ## In order to mount you should ensure that /etc/nsswitch.conf apears as so:  
24:  ## hosts:     files mdns4_minimal wins [NOTFOUND=return] dns mdns4   
25:  ## The order is important !   
26:  ## and that winsbind is installed -> sudo apt-get install winbind  
27:  ##  
28:  ## If it isn't then you may use the IP address of the local server  
30:  mountSRC=//nameofserver/sharedirectory  
32:  ## The local directory of where the shared folder should be mounted i.e. /mnt/myshare.   
33:  ## This will need to be created i.e. sudo mkdir /mnt/myshare  
34:  mountDST=/wheretomount/share  
36:  ## Finally the command that put's it all together with relvent read and write permissions.  
37:  sudo mount -t cifs $mountSRC $mountDST -o username=$username,password=$password,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777  

There is however an inherent security issue with this script as it stores passwords in plain text.

I would recommend that the use of a credentials file is used :

sudo nano $HOME/Desktop/CIFSCRED  

All this file should contain is :


Press CTRL+X and enter Y and Return to save

The file should then be restricted by using :

sudo chmod 0440 $HOME/Desktop/CIFSPWD  

Finally the original script can be updated to

1:  ################################################################  
2:  #     Author       :   Robert Lutken                       
3:  #     E-mail  :      [email protected]                 
4:  #     Date   :      Sat, 15-02-2014                      
5:  #     File Name :                      
6:  #     Purpose  :      To connect to NAS                 
7:  #     Version      :      1.                           
8:  #     Notes   :     This version uses a credentials file  
9:  #               which should be secured using :  
10:  #  
11:  #               sudo chmod 0440 myPasswordFile                           
12:  #                                          
13:  #################################################################  
15:  #!/bin/bash   
17:  myCredentials=$HOME/Desktop/CIFSPWD  
19:  ## The source location of the server and the share directory.  
20:  ## In order to mount you should ensure that /etc/nsswitch.conf apears as so:  
21:  ## hosts:     files mdns4_minimal wins [NOTFOUND=return] dns mdns4   
22:  ## The order is important !   
23:  ## and that winsbind is installed -> sudo apt-get install winbind  
24:  ##  
25:  ## If it isn't then you may use the IP address of the local server  
27:  mountSRC=//nameofserver/sharedirectory  
29:  ## The local directory of where the shared folder should be mounted i.e. /mnt/myshare.   
30:  ## This will need to be created i.e. sudo mkdir /mnt/myshare  
31:  mountDST=/wheretomount/share  
33:  ## Finally the command that put's it all together with relvent read and write permissions.  
34:  sudo mount -t cifs $mountSRC $mountDST -o credentials=$myCredentials,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777  

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